Online Psychotherapy & Counselling | JS Psychotherapy
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My name is Jackie and I am a registered psychotherapist with over 25 years of experience.

My style of working is rooted in Attachment Theory, which I then build on using an array of creative techniques including hypnotherapy, Focussing, Depth Oriented Brief Therapy amongst others.

These combine to give me a wide range of tools with which to understand both how you came to feel as you do (depth therapy), as well as actively work to change behavioural patterns that are self sabotaging or unhelpful (solution focussed).

This means that I strive to help you feel better as quickly as possible in a way that is deep and lasting.

My private practice is online exclusively which means that wherever you are in the world, I can help.

Click here to learn more about online therapy.


My name is Jackie and I am a registered psychotherapist with over 20 years of clinical experience.

My style of working is rooted in Attachment Theory, which I then build on using an array of creative techniques including hypnotherapy, Focussing, Depth Oriented Brief Therapy amongst others.

These combine to give me a wide range of tools with which to understand both how you came to feel as you do (depth therapy), as well as actively work to change behavioural patterns that are self sabotaging or unhelpful (solution focussed).

This means that I strive to help you feel better as quickly as possible in a way that is deep and lasting.

My private practice is online exclusively which means that wherever you are in the world, I can help.


Click here to learn more about online therapy.


Online Therapy

In my practice, I see adults of all ages who:

  • feel stuck in repetitive patterns
  • struggle with depression or anxiety
  • have difficulties with significant relationships
  • are questioning their sexuality
  • are considering leaving a religious or faith based group 
  • are adapting to a life-cycle change like leaving home, marriage, children, illness or moving countries

If you don’t see your concern listed, feel free to ask me if its something I can help you with.

Do feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.

I look forward to hearing from you.

My Training Experience

Having trained intensively for 4 years as a psychoanalytic psychotherapist at the Bowlby Centre, I strive to continuously develop my expertise with on-going professional development in areas like hypnotherapy and techniques for managing PTSD and trauma symptoms.

I’ve also:

  • completed an undergraduate degree in Psychology (BA)
  • completed an Associate’s Training at The Arbors Therapeutic Community
  • completed a certificate in Hypnotherapy (Eriksonian)
  • am a registered member of the UKCP
  • am a full member of the BACP

As part of my commitment to my on-going professional development, I present my clinical work to a clinical supervisor, who like myself, adheres to the UKCP and BACP’s codes of ethics, including the highest levels of confidentiality.

Getting Started

If this is your first experience of psychotherapy or counselling, you might find the idea of talking about yourself a little daunting.

So I invite you to schedule a free 15 minute video chat to see how it feels and how I can help you.

We will use that session as an opportunity to get to know one another, and you can also ask me any professional questions about myself and how I work, and about psychotherapy if you should have any.

If we decide to work together, I will direct you to sign our Psychotherapy Agreement which maps out the commitments that you and I will undertake that underpin our work together. You can read the Agreement here..


The fee is £150 per session.

Unfortunately, the limited concessionary spaces that I offer are all taken.

If you have any other questions, click here to ask me.

To view the Psychotherapy Agreement, click here

How I Can Help


Counselling and Psychotherapy is for anyone who feels there is something troubling or distressing them. It helps in dealing with a wide variety of issues and difficulties. The people I see experience a wide range of concerns that have led them to seek therapy, which may include:

  • ​lacking confidence, self-esteem or having feelings of underachievement
  • an inability to make or keep good relationships
  • coming to terms with losses such as bereavement, divorce or redundancy
  • depression, anxiety or feeling sad or empty
  • difficulties relating to sexuality or gender identity
  • crises in religious or faith based affiliations
  • adjusting to London


What is Psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy involves exploring feelings, beliefs, thoughts and relevant events, sometimes from childhood and personal history, in a structured way with someone trained to help you do it safely.

What happens during psychotherapy?

Every session is different because every person is different, as are their problems. I will encourage you to talk and explore, in a structured way, your own feelings and experiences. I may also suggest particular techniques as part of that exploration – for example, using art, imaging, or dream work.

How long will psychotherapy last?

Therapy can last from a few months to several years. It depends on you mostly. I do believe that we will know when you have reached the goals we have worked towards and feel secure enough to finish therapy. My job is to help you reach that stage and end our work together in a considered way.

Do you need to be mentally ill to be in therapy?

No. And neither does it mean that you’re mad, stupid or weak. It means you’re taking control of your life by seeking help for yourself.

Is it confidential?

Yes. What you say in a therapy session remains private between us, except that I may discuss it in supervision (in accordance with the ethical guidelines of the UKCP). Otherwise, only in rare circumstances, where you might be at risk of hurting yourself or another person, might I have to break confidentiality.

Do I have to lie on a couch?

No, although at times, lying down can be very helpful. So where using the couch may be valuable, I might encourage you to think about doing so. At no point would you ever have to.

Will I get addicted to therapy?

In all relationships or periods of personal change,  there may be times when you feel dependent or vulnerable. It is part of the therapist’s responsibility to respect and attend to that, and to support you in becoming more self-sufficient.

The ultimate aim of therapy is for you to no longer need therapy, but to have made changes so that you can get on with your life and be more confident and at ease with the world.

Can I finish psychotherapy whenever I want?

Yes, you can certainly finish therapy anytime you want. In an ongoing therapeutic relationship,  I ask for four sessions’ notice as it allows you to round off deep work and to gently ease off.

Do you offer any low-cost sessions?

I do have a limited number of concessionary rate appointment slots, however these are sought after and usually taken.

