Pick Your F-Word ⠀ - JS Psychotherapy
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Pick Your F-Word ⠀

5 Steps to Managing Anxiety in These Corona Times

Pick Your F-Word ⠀

5 Steps for Managing Fear in these CoronaVirus Times

Pick your F-words – It’s ok to feel fear and anxiety in these Coronavirus times. Where we feel like things are spinning out of control, we can takes steps to look after our minds and stay mentally healthy.

Besides Fear, there may be many other F-words floating around, some soothing and others less so.⠀Let’s  look at them and look at 5 steps for managing your F-Words and soothing your mind.

Step 1

Listen to your “F- Words”. Some will be helpful and soothing but others, less so.

Are they helping you or making you feel stressed, anxious or depressed? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Some F-Words:

#Fear – Is fear coursing through you and generating anxiety and stress?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

#Food – Are you concerned about how to feed your family? Has your relationship with food spun out of control?

#Family – Can you relate to your family as wellsprings of love and connection, or worry and frustration?

#Friends – Are you feeling disconnected and detached from your friends? Are you able to seek comfort and support from them? Can you give to them?

#F***edUp – Are you frustrated and angry at the world, looking to blame people, countries or institutions?

#Fakenews – Are your news sources reliable? Helpful or generating anxiety?⠀⠀⠀⠀

#Future – Can you look to the future as a bright and guiding light, or is it feeling clean and hopeless?⠀⠀⠀

Feel free to add your own F-Words to the list. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀


Step 2

Now think about the F-Words that are floating through your mind and ask yourself, what is the relationship that you want with each one.


Step 3

Pick an F-Word as your guide, your own F-Word and hold it in mind.


Step 4

When your thoughts free float away from it, gently steer them back to your chosen F-Word and banish the rest.


Step 5

As we go through the uncertain days to come, try using this 5 step exercise of listening to your F-Words to help guide and centre you, to help you recognise the things you can control, even when there is so much that we can’t.


I’m with you.

I feel your Fear.

I look to the Future with the certainty that this too shall pass.

Sending love

» Click here to read more about anxiety

» Click here to read about Online therapy


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